Grace Gardens' Graceful Daylilies
Cell 315.694.0123


  Grace Gardens is a nationally recognized American Daylily Society Display Garden. We invite you to come and visit. Children welcome. Peak Bloom is Mid-July

 Certain abbreviations are used in the general listing below:

  T= Tetraploid
E= Blooms extend into evenings
Dor= Dormant foliage
F= Fragrant
Sev= Semi-evergreen foliage
Sp= Spider
Evr= Evergreen foliage
Dbl= Double blossom
Uf= Unusual Form
N= Nocturnal (opens over night)
EE= Extra early (Late June)
ML= Mid-late
E= Early
L= Late (Late Jul/Early Aug
EM= Early mid-season
M= Mid-season (Mid July)

Bloom season, height of scape, and diameter of blossom are expressed as follows: 24M6= 24" Height of scape, Mid-season bloom, and 6" Width of blossom. All daylilies are field-grown in natural clay soil.

Although our web pages are SSL encrypted, for your security, we prefer not take charge card numbers over the internet. Please call or US Postal Mail your charge orders.


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